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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. A thread has some interesting tool about SEO. I invite you to read : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/topic/2-interesting-tool-to-analyse-your-website/
  2. Welcome @Cratolib, Do not hesitate to ask a question. Some people can help you.
  3. Yes for google the smtp is 587, it was an example. After you must adapt in consequence
  4. First activate the cache Second you can use htaccess to insert some element inside. Use a website like gtmetrix, it can tell you some informations to increase your website speed.
  5. Hi everybody, Welcome to the forum it's new, so you have to let the time to get it to know and talk around you. The solution evolves quickly, it is young and still contains some bugs no very important, but the commit advance quickly. Whatever solution you want to use, take the time to learn and understand how it works. Some have a little more experience and will help you. For my part, I welcome you.
  6. It's not simple and I am not a specialist on that. Just in the first time, you must fille in communication / SEO and product / seo tab, for example, this element. You must also check if the tag title and description is activated in configuration module / network. You can also include in google console all the sitemap this is the first thing to make. After in your products description, you must have, I think more 300 words, not sure, but google like the content. At the end, you must make some link to go to your website. It's a big work. Ah I forget in Configuration, you must activate the SEO rewriting You can start by this way, after you must adjust in consequence about your description, title tag.
  7. Yes, there is a delete comment button for the customer. The reason is about the grdp. The customer must have the control of this information. if you want to delete this features, you can comment the code displaying the delete button.
  8. looking the file, there is 6 hooks allow that out of stock stock warning newsletter product expected Review MemberB2B Looking the code, the hook appears only if the condition is correct and as Drack code above, it's easy to make another one.
  9. @Julie, I agreed, this is the best approach to compare 2 tools on the same server.
  10. Version 1.0.1


    This apps will allow to display a code bar inside in your products admin and Catalog in the product description Some codebar configuration can be used (see the photo) : C128 C25 MSI EAN UPC C39 Codabar ... You can create different template This module contains The language files in English and French The css file in French and English The module Modules: Technical Prerequisites: None License : GPL 2 - MIT Compatibility: >= version 3.0 Multi languages Recommendation and documentation specific use : The module is installed in the Default template. If you have another template, you must copy the sources files inside your new template (only sources directory). Manual Implementation: Activate the module in admin : http://localhost/clicshopping_test/Shop/ClicShoppingAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\ProductsBarCode Activate the module in shop : https://monsite/myAdmin/modules.php?set=modules_products_info Copy the apps_catalog_products_barcode.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation) All informations about the ClicShopping Community : https://www.clicshopping.org Software : https://github.com/ClicShopping Trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
    20.00 EUR
  11. I am not an expert on that, I think the default chunk of memory for PHP is 64MB. Looking at the information above, also what I am I think you can be quiet. But on the cloud, I think, it's an advantage because the storage, memory can be extended.
  12. Looking more information about that, I found this useful information : https://alexwebdevelop.com/monitor-script-memory-usage/ It explains in details the concept memory_get_usage() AND memory_get_peak_usage() with some example.
  13. Hello, Look in your menu Design / Products description if you have a module to install about the review. Maybe is not installed by default. Otherwise, you can look on the marketplace or inside admin extension the module about the products description review.
  14. At any time, the customer must have control of these data. If it's impossible to allow the customer to change a setting then you must precise the process to contact you to change the setting.
  15. @ClicShopping Thank you for this information. Yes I think it can be useful to introduce this system inside the application
  16. Hi @ClicShopping , Thank you for your work I just see you an update. Could you tell me more about the product length; Why do you make an app ? Tk.
  17. @Julie, This code can help you, replace the product name by this : <?php $products = $CLICSHOPPING_ShoppingCart->get_products(); foreach ($products as $k => $v) { $name = $v['name']; $image = HTML::image($CLICSHOPPING_Template->getDirectoryTemplateImages() . $v['image'], HTML::outputProtected($name), 50, 50, null, true); echo ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <li class="headerMultiTemplateDefaultLi">&nbsp;&nbsp; <div class="float-md-left">' . $v['quantity'] . ' - ' . $name . '</div> <div class="float-md-right text-md-right">' . $CLICSHOPPING_Currencies->display_price($v['final_price'], $CLICSHOPPING_Tax->getTaxRate($v['tax_class_id']), $v['quantity']) . '</div> </li> </div> </div> '; } ?>
  18. @Griffou You can bypass the first step to insert in your url : install.php In this case, you have no problem. Just a note: ClicShopping has not been completely tested on windows, the best to use this application is to have Linux desktop with PHP installed or to have a server under Linux.
  19. I have testing the new 3.1 version. What's new! First, the category has now a status, it's a good thing to manage the categories. When you click on a status on the categories, the child becomes offline. But be careful, when a parent category is on Off and a child category is on ON, the product appears, the system does not seem to verify if inside a specific category if a parent category -n is on Off, just the first parent. It could be a problem if the administrator does not know this point. I look if the product appears when a category is off. No, same if the status product is On. A good thing because now the product depends also on the parent category status. As I said just above when you research a product and inside a category Off there is a category child is on ON, the product appear. If you are in this case you must open the category on On and make this other on Off. The attributes have 2 new elements, one field on the B2B and another field called status but the stock doesn't appear for this version; Maybe later !! Now the migration, inside the update directory, you have a field with the db, you have just to include these requests in your db if it does not exist and upload all the files. @ClicShopping is my little report about this new version.
  20. @ClicShopping, Thank you for your quick reply. I will make an update, let you know if I see something
  21. Hello @ClicShopping , Thank you for this new version, could you tell us if there something specific and make attention to update the website ?
  22. @Orphelia, Welcome, You can look this post, it can help you to choose the best configuration for you. https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/topic/88-whats-the-best-configuration-for-the-apps-antispam/?tab=comments#comment-338
  23. The google recaptcha used inside the APP is the version3. Note: I think everybody sees the news about the update. I looked at the modification inside the code and it's important to make this update. For me, until now I have not problem with the antispam but, it could it.
  24. Yes it's better to do that. The json give some information when you search a module and if there is an update, you will know.
  25. Just for your information you can look the class includes/Apps/Communication/PageManager/Classes/Shop/PageManagerShop you will some code you can use.
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