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    The marketplace allows you to buy or download a module. This service is made for that.
    By your contribution, you help the community to continue to help you on the forum and the ClicShopping Development.


    You also have lot of free modules than you can download by your admin or you can install in manual.

    Some modules are on Github.


    For the Buyers, you have 3 choices :
    - Buy a module with renewal terms (note : it's not mandatory to renew the terms but you will lost your advantage price and update)
    - Buy and download a module
    Download Free modules


    For sellers :

    - Just download your module. The app will be reviewed by a moderator

    - After verification, you will have full access at your module on the marketplace to update it.
    - All updates must contains all the files else the app will be not accepted



    More informations:


    Trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/


- Only the creator of this module is responsible.

- For any problem please contact the person in charge of this module

- No advertisement is allowed inside the apps excepts specific partnership

4 files

  1. More information about "Modules footer scroll to top"

    30.00 EUR

    Modules footer scroll to top

    Allow to display an icon write Top to allow the customer to come back in the top of your website.
    This module contains
    - The language files in English and French
    - The css file in French and English
    - The module Via the installation system administration ClicShopping
    Technical Prerequisites: None
    License : GPL 2 - MIT
    - Compatibility: >= version 3.0
    - Multi languages
    Recommendation and documentation specific use :
    The module is installed in the Default template.
    If you have another template, you must copy the files inside your new template.
    - Install the module
    - Activate the module Design / layout/ Footer
    - Go to page Manager and create a page
    - Copy the modules_footer_scroll_to_top.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation)

    0 purchases   1 download

       (0 reviews)



  2. More information about "Modules footer page manager ordonnate"

    20.00 EUR

    Modules footer page manager ordonnate

    Allow to display information inside your footer and can be managed by the page manager
    This module contains
    - The language files in English and French
    - The css file in French and English
    - The module Via the installation system administration ClicShopping
    Technical Prerequisites: None
    License : GPL 2 - MIT
    - Compatibility: >= version 3.0
    - Multi languages
    Recommendation and documentation specific use :
    The module is installed in the Default template.
    If you have another template, you must copy the files inside your new template.
    - Install the module
    - Activate the module Design / layout/ Footer
    - Go to page Manager and create a page
    - Copy the modules_footer_page_manager_ordonate.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation)

    0 purchases   1 download

       (0 reviews)



  3. More information about "modules footer keywords"

    30.00 EUR

    modules footer keywords

    Allow to display all footer word tag in your footer with search link
    This module contains
    - The language files in English and French
    - The css file in French and English
    - The module Via the installation system administration ClicShopping
    Technical Prerequisites: None
    License : GPL 2 - MIT
    - Compatibility: >= version 3.0
    - Multi languages
    Recommendation and documentation specific use :
    The module is installed in the Default template.
    If you have another template, you must copy the files inside your new template.
    Implementation: - Install the module - Activate the module Design / layout/ Footer
    - Copy the modules_footer_header_tag.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation)

    0 purchases   8 downloads

       (0 reviews)



  4. More information about "modules footer crazy egg"

    20.00 EUR

    modules footer crazy egg

    Allow to display information about the customer navigation (allow you to optimize your process)
    You have an account on crazyegg.com
    This module contains
    - The language files in English and French
    - The css file in French and English
    - The module Via the installation system administration ClicShopping
    Technical Prerequisites: None
    License : GPL 2 - MIT
    - Compatibility: >= version 3.0
    - Multi languages
    Recommendation and documentation specific use :
    The module is installed in the Default template.
    If you have another template, you must copy the files inside your new template.
    Implementation: - Install the module - Activate the module Design / layout/ Footer
    - Copy the modules_footer_crazy_egg.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation)

    0 purchases   3 downloads

       (0 reviews)



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