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Version 1.0.0
Allow the customer to choose some products to compare inside the catalog. Lot of configuration are available Page with standard option - index page - categories page - favorites page - featured page - products new page - specials page - products listing page - products search page - products compare page inside the module products compare pages you have lot of options - display stock - display weight - display minimum order - display short description - display price - display products name - display products image - Multi-template ... This module contains - The language files in English and French - The css file in French and English - The modules Technical Prerequisites: None Modules: - Compatibility: >= version 3.0 - Multi languages -License : GPL 2 - MIT Recommendation and documentation specific use : The modules are installed in the Default template. If you have another template, you must copy the files inside your new template. Important note : Before to activate the modules, you must remove the old activatited in Design section about these modules index page categories page favorites page featured page products new page specials page products listing page products search page After removed, you can activate module products comparison in all these files. Activate ht_products_compare in Configuration /Social network /meta Implementation: - Download the module on the markeplace - Install the modules and go Design to activate the different modules - Copy the modules_products_compare.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation) All informations about the ClicShopping Community : Software : Official add on : Community add on : trademark License info : EUR -
Version 1.1
These hooks allow you to analyse your catalog web page across different criterias. A SEO report is made inside different page in your administration. catalog page analysed - Products page - Products Categories - Content page (index, content page ...) - Blog Page - Blog categories page criterias selected : - Url status - Google seach preview - Title tag - Meta tag description - Most common keywords test - keywords usage - H1 heading - H2 heading - H3 heading - Sitemap - Broken links - Image alt - Google analytics - Favicon - Loading page speed - Flash - Frame - Css minification - js minification Grammar includes/Module/Hooks/Seo your can add new language grammar dynamically Includes : French and English Important Note : The installation is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace. Copy the hooks in your directory Copy sources in sources directory Copy the hooks_marketing_seo_analyse.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github licence : GPL 2 - MIT Install : The hooks is displayed by a tab inside different page, no installaion required See Marketplace for all informations All informations about the ClicShopping Community : Software : Official add on : Community add on : trademark License info : EUR -
Version 1.0.0
Safe.Shop The Global Ecommerce Trustmark & Reviews An online store with a review system, Global Code of Conduct certification, Trust Score and Trust Badges in place will increase the level of confidence online visitors have in their shopping experience, and in turn will lead to increased conversion and order size. Safe.Shop integrates the Consumer Review System with which you can easily collect consumers reviews that you can display on your online shop, all of which is integrated directly onto your website with no need to for the consumer to visit another website. By showing the Safe.Shop Trustmark on your online shop, you are demonstrating to potential customers your reliability. If needed, we mediate with consumers in case of conflicts and provide you with the necessary (legal) support. How Safe.Shop works 1) Set up the Safe.Shop Trustmark. Takes up to 5 minutes and can give you a sales boost of up to 20%. 2) An order is received: A customer buys from your online store. 3) Personal invites: You can use Safe.Shop to send review invitations using excel or just send the review invitation from your own email. 4) Automated Invites: Safe.Shop can automatically send a review invitation to your customer a few days after the order has been placed. 5) Customer reviews: Your customer can give your online shop a review directly via email, your own website or via Safe.Shop. 6) Alerts: Can be set for when a new review is added or only in case of negative feedback. You decide. 7) Manage your reviews: Learn from customer reviews using our dashboard as well as report misuse or request moderation when necessary. 😎 Turn negative reviews into positive ones: We withhold negative reviews for 14 days, offering you the opportunity to contact unhappy customers and turn negative feedback into positive ones. Safe.Shop benefits The Safe.Shop Trustmark offers online retailers three key benefits: • Increase sales with a higher conversion & order size by enhancing consumer trust. • Prevent costs with standard legal documents and lower risks with legal support. • Grow your business both locally & globally with a unique trustmark supporting 10+ different languages! Feel free to consult our HobbyGigant case or use our ROI Calculator to calculate your benefits. Display the Safe.Shop Trustmark for free on your website You can show the Safe.Shop Trustmark for free on your website if you have a positive Trust Score. Our Artificial Intelligence algorithm determines your trust score on more than 40+ criteria including the availability of contact details on your online shop, payment methods offered, consumer reviews and much more. Our algorithm continuously adds more factors to separate reliable online shops from poor performing online stores and scams. Our freemium model is suitable both for small as well as large enterprises. However, if your business requires additional support in the form of moderation requests, invitations sent via our system or online dispute resolution we can also help through our paid service tiers. Where we Dare to Differ We differ from competitors in several ways: • Our mission is to facilitate global digital trade; not to let you pay for collecting reviews. • We focus on helping you sell more by not only increasing consumer trust but by also free research and advice. • Our model is truly Forever Free, you do not pay for the trustmark; only for support if needed. • We work globally. Get certified once and build trust with your consumers around the world. How do I setup Safe.Shop? In 5 Minutes! • Install the Safe.Shop extension • Register with Safe.Shop to get your access key (for free, no credit card needed). • Add the Safe.Shop key to your installed app • Start collecting customer reviews immediately with Safe.Shop Invitations. Modules: - License GPL2 - MIT - Compatibility: >= version 3.0 - No core modification Recommendation and documentation specific use : You must have an account on Important Note : Copy the modules_hooks_checkout_safe_shop.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation) licence : GPL 2 - MIT Implementation: Activate the module in Configuration / SEO / Social Activate the module in Design / Products Description About ClicShopping Download ClicShopping : Community : Software : Official add on : Community add on : trademark License info : Github : Github Download :
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amazon Sell on th Amazon marketplace : How to increase your SEO
ClicShopping posted a blog entry in E-commerce General
Amazon: improve your SEO to increase your sales. Did you already realize that Amazon was actually a big search engine for e-commerce? If so, you certainly know that behind, an algorithm runs to make the machine work and allow it to offer you the products you need. But for your own business, have you ever wondered about optimizing your presence on Amazon to be more visible and increase your sales? The similarities between looking for visibility on Amazon and on Google are important. The logic is always the same: optimize its content to be judged as the most credible and relevant by the algorithm, to go back in the middle of thousands of results. With the difference that for Amazon, the result is a commercial product, while for Google it is usually a website or media content (even if Google Shopping could make us lie by going directly back some products). And all the same, the same warning is required by the two Internet giants: think above all about the consumer and provide value (but still optimize a little). Whether it's in the way of thinking about digital referencing or the hypocrisy that surrounds the search for visibility, they are very similar and offer an advantage to people competent in SEO: that of understanding logic and being able to adapt according to the "tools". The first SEO elements to take into account Like, therefore, natural referencing, some points are to think and work especially. First, let's talk about the title. It is the first element in contact with your future consumers, and reveals, in a few seconds, what they will find once clicked on the product thumbnail. This title defines your product and will quickly allow Amazon to process it through the keywords that compose it. There is therefore a double challenge: a ranking issue in the Amazon results, as well as an issue of increasing the clickthrough rate of Internet users when they see the thumbnail (to discover more). The content of the product page The content of this page comes into play once the first click on your title or thumbnail image. Now, the user wants to know more about what your product can bring: if it is solid, credible and really interesting. Amazon: How to optimize your keywords to boost your sales? The first page of the results, when looking for a product on Amazon, is a place of choice for any seller or e-merchant. Just like for search engines, this coveted position can lead to a dramatic increase in sales. More page views, more conversions, there is no doubt that reaching this spot should be part of your priorities when you sell on Amazon. Here are our tips to optimize your keywords and boost your sales. Amazon: a constantly evolving algorithm Like Google, the US sales platform is constantly adjusting and modifying its search algorithm. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish some essential criteria for the good ranking of your products. Among them we can mention: Number of sales already completed Vendor Popularity and Rating Quality of the keywords associated with the product Using keywords on Amazon So that Amazon measures the relevance of your product and is able to offer it to the right users, it is necessary to use keywords. In order to put the odds on your side, it is better to point to long tail keywords. By this we mean keywords that are articulated around three, four or more words and which allow us to detail a product or an offer more precisely. Two advantages to this: Bring specificity to your description and increase your chances of appearing faster. Better stand out as part of a competitive offer. Especially if other sellers are already well placed on a request you are targeting. Set goals to find the right keywords Before you even begin your list of keywords, it's important to ask yourself the question of what you want to achieve. Do you want to improve the ranking of a product already on the marketplace? Is the goal to stand out from a competitor for the future, supplant it? Are you starting from scratch by having everything to build? Establish a list of relevant keywords Finding popular terms in your product category, for short and long tail keywords, is a common method. Nevertheless, other solutions can help you in this task. An analysis software based on artificial intelligence, for example, will allow you to analyze and determine all the keywords used by your customers and already exploited by your competitors. here are several keyword analysis tools for Amazon, free or paid. Among them we can mention: Uberseller Sonar Sistrix Scientific Seller As for Google's Keyword Planner, which is sometimes recommended, it's best not to use it in the context of Amazon sales. Indeed, the way users search on Google or Amazon is very different. The performance of keywords obtained through the Keyword Planner is, therefore, often disappointing. Breakdown of keywords in the ad An Amazon ad consists of a title, bullet points, a description and a backend that we will discuss a little further. To streamline your ad, first make a list of the keywords you will be integrating. Rank them by importance and use them as you go. The last ones will be placed in the backend. title In terms of ranking, the title does not count more than bullet points. No need to load keywords. Better to write a short and clear title, which will allow users to quickly identify your product and therefore to consult your page. Each field has a character limit. The latter depends on the category of products concerned. Bullet points Their role is to make the product attractive, to describe it as precisely as possible and to include keywords that were not present in the title. Amazon Product Description Considering the fact that Amazon primarily presents products that sell well, it is better to pass the description to convert as many customers as possible. Among the proven methods, the situation of the product works well. We must create a context in which the user can identify himself and thus enable him to see how this product will correspond to his needs. Our advice Impose a limit of up to 2000 characters. Your potential customer will not be drowned under the information. Backend Finally, be aware that it is possible to use keywords hidden in a limit of 239 bytes. An ideal space to put other keywords or integrate variations or misspelled queries. If this notion seems fuzzy, do not hesitate to call an SEO expert on to write your Amazon ads. You are ready to sell better on the biggest marketplace in the world. Good keywords and a well-written ad will help you put your chances on your side.-
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Web push notifications are succinct updates sent to the users even when they are not on your website. Due to its crisp approach, there is no beating around the bush and information is shared in a jiffy. It helps to leverage geographical targeting and communicate in a timely fashion keeping time zones in mind. Web Push are clickable messages that are sent by a website to their subscribers’ browsers. They work very similarly to mobile app push notifications (notifications sent by a mobile app that land in your notification tray) except that they work on websites instead of apps and can be accessed on all devices (desktop, mobile, tablet, etc). Why use push notification for e-commerce marketing? How do they help? Retarget users effectively and tackle abandoned carts Increase sales by segmenting users on basis of interest and behavior Boost conversions by engaging, re-engaging and retaining users on Desktop and Mobile With web push, it becomes easy to send and schedule relevant notifications by segmenting users based on their behavior, interest, and activities they perform. They are swift and drive repeat visits, encouraging people to make a purchase There, some usage can be used Announce new products to a relevant audience Buyers would love to know when products on their wishlist are available for purchase. It might be the latest book from an author whose work they’ve bought earlier, or the newest collection from a fashion brand whose products they’ve been browsing for the last few weeks. To begin with, eCommerce websites can create segments among subscribers based on their previous purchases and on-site activity. Seasonal Sales / Holiday Offers You can welcome a new season with exciting offers on fresh arrivals. Boost conversions with web push messages to your customers announcing upcoming sales about new collections. Use hero images to show-off the new arrivals, encouraging customers to refresh their wardrobe according to the new season. Announce a sale hese notifications work similar to the previous one, difference being that the urgency factor has to be driven in more strongly. Urgency can be created by setting up an expiry time for the sale or if only select products are part of the sale. Most eCommerce websites use a combination of the two. Get authentication from anonymous users eCommerce websites get authentication from anonymous users by encouraging them to login by giving them incentives like discounts. Web push notifications are a great way to get this message across. Price-drop, Stock, and Re-targeting Customers often add products to their wishlists, planning to buy them later. If there is a price drop on the products, they can be easily called back with an automated notification. Another reason for customers bouncing from the store could be that the product they wanted was not available Deliver personalized offers and promotions based on on-site behaviour This type of notification comes in various forms. For example, if a user has spent a few minutes on a particular product page, send him an instant push notification saying that a 10% discount is available on the product if he buys it in the next 15 minutes. Recover abandoned carts This is something most eCommerce websites are familiar with. A user arrives on the website, spends time browsing various products, adds a few items to the cart but doesn’t complete the purchase Sometimes, customers want to compare the price on other websites before making a purchase. Depending on the time this takes, the user may forget about an item. Another reason for cart abandonment may be that the user was distracted by something during the checkout process. Inform buyer of shipment of purchase, and delivery These are informational messages which help the buyer keep track of the products they’ve ordered and make for a smooth delivery experience. Interested to apply a web push inside your e-commerce website ?
Version 1.0.0
Allow to display a information about the navigation inside the catalog - You can display the link, image and select the number you want to display. - The module appear only when the customer is connected (GDPR) - The customer can erase temporaly the navigation in their account (GDPR) This module contains The language files in English and French Important Note : Copy the modules_boxes_recently_visited.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github licence : GPL 2 - MIT Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/modules.php?set=modules_boxes Activate the module in Design / Layout / left & Right Activate the module in Design / Checkout / Sopping Cart All informations about the ClicShopping Community : Software : Official add on : Community add on : trademark License info : EUR -
Version 2.1
This apps will allow you to analyze products price on another website for a similar product. The price is directly displayed inside the product information and inside the Price Scrapping module. This module include a prediction price using by Machine learning on 1000 iterations. Complete documentation is included inside the app you can add several websites to analyze You must understand the HTML to use this solution, This module contains - The language files in English and French - The css file in French and English - The module Technical Prerequisites: None License : GPL 2 - MIT Modules: - Compatibility: >= version 3.34 - Multi languages - Need composer to be installed -See readme for more informations Recommendation and documentation specific use : Documentation inside the module licence : GPL 2 - MIT Implementation Install : composer require symfony/dom-crawler composer require symfony/css-selector composer require php-ai/php-ml https://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\PriceScrapping Activate the module Copy the apps_catalog_price_scrapping.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github Important Note : All the website doesn't accept to scrap their website. You must have some knowledge in HTML to set the scrapping All informations about the ClicShopping trademark License info : EUR-
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Version 1.0.0
This apps will allow you to include a discount coupon in your website The module Via the installation system administration ClicShopping Technical Prerequisites: None License : GPL 2 - MIT Modules: Compatibility: >= version 3.0 Multi languages Important Note : Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Marketing\DiscountCoupon Copy the apps_discount_coupon.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github Activate the module Configuration/payment Activate the module Design/Order Process Activate the module in Order Total All informations about the ClicShopping Community : Software : Trademark License info : EUR -
Version 1.0.0
This apps will allow you to display the products related and cross sell in the product description Important Note : The installation is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace. Copy the Related directory into Includes/Apps/Marketing/ directories Copy sources in sources directory Copy the apps_products_related.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Marketing\Related Activate also in Design / Description the module50.00 EUR -
Version 1.0.1
This apps will allow you know the products abandoned by your customer in the shopping cart and to contact them Important Note : The installation is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace. Copy the RecoverCart directory into Includes/Apps/Marketing/ directories Copy sources in sources directory Copy the apps_recover_cart.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Marketing\RecovertCart45.00 EUR -
Version 1.0.0
1 download
This apps will allow you to add featured in your site. Some configruation are included for the catalog and it's easy to create a new module in catalog without modification Important Note : The installation is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace. Copy the this apps in your directory Copy sources in sources directory Copy the apps_featured.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Products\Featured Activate the module Design/Products ListingFree -
Version 1.0.1
1 download
This apps allow you to add favorites in your site. It display the products that you have selected like favorites Important Note : The installation is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace. Copy the this apps in your directory Copy sources in sources directory Copy the apps_favorites.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Products\Favorites Activate the module Design/Products ListingFree -
Version 1.0.1
This apps will allow to manage your quantities discount inside products. A table appears inside the products description with the different discount by quantity An information about all the discount is displayed inside the cart. Important Note : This module contains - The language files in English and French - The css - The apps - The modules Technical Prerequisites: None License : GPL 2 - MIT Modules: - Compatibility: >= version 3.0 - Multi languages Recommendation and documentation specific use : Manual Imlementation The installation is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace. Copy the QuantityDiscount directory into Apps/Catalog/ directories Copy the apps_quantity_discount.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github Install : http://monsite/ClicShoppingAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\QuantityDiscount and after go to insert or edit your products.60.00 EUR-
- quantities-discount
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Version 1.0.0
This hooks allow you to display an information to your customer to save money when it take an order inside the shopping cart This module depends of ms_shopping_cart_products_listing to be used. Note : The installation of this hook is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace. Copy the Includes directory into your website Copy the hooks_additional_checkout_save_money.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/github25.00 EUR -
A few people here asked that we have a thread on Adwords, so I'll start it. I've used Adwords since 2003 when you could do a nickel a click. Then, it became a dime and the race was off. Over time I've learned a lot and had a love/hate relationship. This year Adwords account managers have helped me in updating and learning new features. Currently, my ROI is the best it's been in at least a very long time, so I’ll try to share some ideas. For me, a big key is getting a repeat customer, but I also get some good sales from it. First, you need to tie in Analytics, which is now part of Adwords. Analytics can show you what sales you are getting through different ads and you can get the actual order id. This helps in adjusting ads or even stopping those that don't pay off. I look a lot at last 7 days and 30 days. The 7 day view is good because you can see how small bid adjustments can cost a lot. This can be done in the Adwords screens too. And using a Google Feeder like Jack's, you need to set up with Google Shopping. I was slow to get this going, but it's really working well on some items I sell. This gets you the ad boxes you see with pics at the top of Google as well as Google Shopping. That covers the basics but AdWords and Analytics have a lot of features. The biggest thing with AdWords is the better your ad is, the less you have to pay and still rank high. So, take advantage of all the little extras like extended links and callouts. Use all the characters you can but keep substance. Once you create a base ad, you can copy and edit to make versions to test. I added "Fully Secure Website" to one of my ads and it get 4 times the click through than any of my others in that ad group. I did this based on switching to all SSL all the time. Adwords also serves it higher, so it likes it. You can also tailor you bids based on areas like states (Texas for instance). Adjust based on days of the week or time of the day. Adjust up or down for phones with browsers. I bid that down because my biggest competitor on this isn't responsive in their site design. Remarketing was a huge fail for me that burned up cash with no ROI. Small bid adjustments that make you rank higher can cost way more than expected, so the 7 day running view is key. The other key is look at it every day. There is some trial and error, but this can get you sales you are otherwise missing. A lot probably depends on your margin, but for me I'll give 200 to sell 1600 especially since some will repeat. There's a lot more to this and I'm not sure how much this helps, but hopefully others have something to add.
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