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  3. Yes you are right. Thank you @cleanhome24clic The menu is Configuration/Admin/Chatgpt Insert the api key Change the status.
  4. @Gary Just a little rectification about Gary post. Not composer install mylibraries but composer require mylibraries
  5. Hello, it's ok The AI is inside ClicShopping, you do not need to install APP anything Just activate the module and insert the key you can found on OpenAI.com. In function of the situation, you must activate some modules for the catalog. For the instructions, you have a tuto there : ttps://www.clicshopping.org/forum/topic/3387-how-to-use-the-generative-artificial-intelligence-inside-clicshopping/ For the terminal, you must go on admin hosting. Else ask the support to help you.
  6. I want to install the IA app that supports the eCommerce Thank you for your help I'm afraid my knowledge is so limited I don't know how to open the terminal, I ca't find any reference to it anywhere! I have been looking for a menu item 🤔
  7. Hello, Composer not installed want to say you must install manually the application. You hoster does not give you directly this functionnality or it s blocked. in this case, you must open the terminal and go inside the website and write composer install mylibraries (look the doc for that). All the modern application use composer to install libraries. I hope these point help you. Witch application do you want to install?
  8. Hi, Is there any documentation or other help links that can guide me as an absolute beginner (with coding too!). I have installed it in my EasyWP website but am struggling right at the beginning with "Composer is not installed, please make this command on your server in your terminal : apt-get install composer".
  9. The structure is like that Sources - template ==> insert here the new template -- Default Inside the package you have just to upload the files inside the main directory normally.
  10. Yes, it's correct, it must resolve the error.
  11. It's better to use Stripe work perfectly and for it's one of the best platform, easy to use. Is it correct ? public $is_migratable = false; by public bool $is_migratable = false;
  12. The paragraph highlights the critical role of token count and settings in shaping ChatGPT is responses, emphasizing the nuanced impact of temperature and tokens on output variability.
  13. Hello, I think you can add bool before the variable. It should resolve this situation bool $is_migratable ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\EC\EC::$is_migratable
  14. Hello @notliw, To remove thi app can be inside the backoffice : https://monsite/ClicShoppingAdmin835/index.php?A&Payment\Paypal&Configure or manually - remove the app inside Apps/Payment - remove via backoffice / Tools / Administrator menu ==>paypal menu - Remove from db / configuration ==> all value with paypal I hope it can help you.
  15. the error: [03-Oct-2023 15:04:56 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Type of ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\EC\EC::$is_migratable must be bool (as in class ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\ConfigAbstract) in /home/mercadormejp/public_html/shop/includes/ClicShopping/Apps/Payment/PayPal/Module/ClicShoppingAdmin/Config/EC/EC.php on line 16 [03-Oct-2023 15:04:58 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Type of ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\EC\EC::$is_migratable must be bool (as in class ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\ConfigAbstract) in /home/mercadormejp/public_html/shop/includes/ClicShopping/Apps/Payment/PayPal/Module/ClicShoppingAdmin/Config/EC/EC.php on line 16 [03-Oct-2023 15:05:00 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Type of ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\EC\EC::$is_migratable must be bool (as in class ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\ConfigAbstract) in /home/mercadormejp/public_html/shop/includes/ClicShopping/Apps/Payment/PayPal/Module/ClicShoppingAdmin/Config/EC/EC.php on line 16 [03-Oct-2023 15:14:24 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Type of ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\EC\EC::$is_migratable must be bool (as in class ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\ConfigAbstract) in /home/mercadormejp/public_html/shop/includes/ClicShopping/Apps/Payment/PayPal/Module/ClicShoppingAdmin/Config/EC/EC.php on line 16 [03-Oct-2023 15:16:37 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Type of ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\EC\EC::$is_migratable must be bool (as in class ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\ConfigAbstract) in /home/mercadormejp/public_html/shop/includes/ClicShopping/Apps/Payment/PayPal/Module/ClicShoppingAdmin/Config/EC/EC.php on line 16 I from brazil and i want to translate to language pt
  16. Hello @Audrey, You can return to the initial template also : Design / Configuration / Design The best is to sent what's happen and it's possible to update the template if there is an error. Just follow the instructions to install it.
  17. Hello @Audrey, Do you install the template inside sources ? Can you look inside the backend if you have errors ? Thank you
  18. Hi i am new on clicshopping can anyone help to find the way to put back my front page online. i changed my template Default to Chocolat and find out that my front page went to maintenance (Offline) mode how do i get it back? regards, Audrey
  19. We do not belive in robots. We belive in human intelligence of people who understand difference between may and May, et cetera...
  20. AH just an idea, You can use ChatGpt for the translation, it work fine, same if you are coder,you candevelop a specific module for that with gpt. You have everything in ClicShopping AI to do that.
  21. Hello, The best is crowding there is a module you can use but it's not completely tested Crowding does not allow me to insert all the language in free version. That's why I do not push more and I do not find a system enough simple to use it as crowding. And my account is suspended 😞 for that Let me know Clic On doynload (not github) https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/files/file/175-apps-tools-transfert-language/
  22. Hello, The translation has nothing to do with the template, If you want to translate in other language, you must create another language inside the administration. if the language does not exist, the english language is by default
  23. Can we translate the module to another language, and how ?
  24. We would like to translate CS to croatian. Curently only 2 extra languages exist. ES and DE. We plan to do HR-HR so please give us the task and links.
  25. It opens, https://crowdin.com/project/clicshopping but it is either closed, invisible or not created. We are interested to translate whole main UI to croatian (HR-HR). Who do we talk to for this ? Transiflex, crowdin or direct github which is preffered method ? Regards, Romeo
  26. @Julie, Thank you for your quick. Indeed, this is the token I must to change.
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