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Everything posted by McJordadino

  1. I add that it is preferable to remove the header and the footer from the site from the first page of the basket to avoid internet users having the possibility of leaks. Once the user is in the basket, it must remain there !! The basket has a crucial role in the effectiveness of an e-commerce site.
  2. I add that it is preferable to remove the header and the footer from the site from the first page of the basket to avoid internet users having the possibility of leaks. Once the user is in the basket, it must remain there !! The basket has a crucial role in the effectiveness of an e-commerce site.
  3. Hello, yes you can change. look the Blog, you will find all the information : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/blogs/entry/5-secure-clicshopping/
  4. Ok thank you all the explanation. I am not concerned by the european law.
  5. Hello, I want to enable the checkbox when the customer create an account. Could you help me, Thank you
  6. New version before the summmer hollyday !! It says it's better to use with php 7.3. If my hoster is on php 7.2 can I use or I must change to php 7.3 ? Thank you for the work.
  7. Hello @Engy, I have a similar problem, Foster give me the solution. You must change just the sort order. It seems if you have the same sort order, the module is not displayed correctly.
  8. The marketing budget must be in function of the activities and your services and the development must be focus in function of that, Adwords, Facebook, Amazon, Pinterest ...
  9. @Foster, thank you for this tutorial. I am sur, it can help some people.
  10. @foster is it possible to have an example ?
  11. Is it possible to make the hooks in off. ?
  12. How many stats do you recommend to include in the top dashboard ?
  13. Ok, thank you for these informations. I changed the sort order and it's correct now.
  14. Hello, I installed some new modules inside my product description but it when it not well displayed on my page ? Do you have an idea.
  15. Ok, Thank you It seems correct for me, I will test these 2 modules.
  16. Hello, I would insert information inside the shipping process to promote your environmental shipping package.
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