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Posts posted by ClicShopping

  1. @FrediKa,

    There an example.


    the process:



    rename in







    replace :




    replace :





    eventually you can change the template directory :





    Do not forget to change the language
    Do not forget to change the css

    Now you are ready to implement your code.


    This is a short cut to help you how to make a new template_html with a template directory but you can use also the default template_html


    Now do not forget to include your new contribution inside the Default template and also in your new template directory. Like that you can change everything without to change anything inside the default template directory.

    Why you must include your new contribution in the Default directory and not only the new template directory ?
    It's the DB initialization is made by default inside the  Default directory.
    Like all the module are overridden in function the Default Directory, you have no choice to include the new element inside the Default directory.

    It's the limitation.
    I hope it's not little too complex, but after one or to test, you will understand the process.





    • Thanks 3
  2. This tuto allow to make an app quickly without knowledge. Inside you will have important element to use and change to create a new app. you must after updated inside your need.

    - First download a App name New_Template on Github and follow these instructions (https://github.com/ClicShoppingOfficialModulesV3/apps_catalog_new_template)
    - Copy the app New_Template inside your includes/Apps/Catalog directory
    - Rename the directory New_Template by MY_NEWS_APP (name of your new application)
    - Replace all these terms in my MY_NEWS_APP directory :
    Please respect the syntax lower and uppercase. it's very important.

    - NewTemplateAdmin by MyNewAPPAdmin
    - new_template by my_new_app
    - New_Template by My_New_APP

    - NT BY MA ==> becarefull when you make that.
    - _nt_ by _ma_

    Rename directories and files
    - New_Template.php by My_New_App.php
    - new_template.php by my_new_app.php
    - NT.php by MA.php
    - NT by MA
    - Inside this directory Sites\ClicShoppingAdmin\Pages\Home\Actions\Configure
    - edit Install.php
    - Update in consequence.

    - Update the language files

    These directories has been inserted to help you. If you don't need, you can remove.
    - Remove Classes directories if you don't have need.
    - Remove Hooks language and Products directory if you don't have need.

    Don"t forget to update your clicshopping.json

    If you need specific classes, create a specific directories ClicShoppingAdmin for the admin and Shop for the catalog.


    now you are ready, you can find some apps to help you to continue your development on Github : https://github.com/ClicShoppingOfficialModulesV3

    Now you ready to install you new app.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  3. Hello @Patrick


    You have some example inside the administration,

    look this file :


    The most important is to use this syntax :


    Without nothing


    protected $use_site_template = false;


    For modal


    $this->page->setUseSiteTemplate(false); //don't display Header / Footer


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  4. Hello Patrick

    Ues you are right, you have 2 solutions,

    Copy the default directory to inside another or take the files. After you can change everything.

    Becarefull to the css, it must be inside the new directory.

    Also if you create a module (and activate), it must be included inside the default directory because if you create another template without the files inside the default template you can have an error.

    All the default files are overridden when you use another template.


  5. This tuto help you how to create a module to be downloaded from github communiy or official add on.


    In the future, it will be integrated (maybe) inside the application to allow the community to push their module on GitHub ClicShopping community.


    In this tuto, we create a new module called: module_header_tags_favicon


    Note,: In different apps, you can also create a header tag module: For example like products app to include an header tag facebook. If you module header tag is used in all the website, it's better to follow this example.


    Very important All the modules start must begin by :  module_

    module_apps_best_selling, module_header_tags_touch_icon, modules_header_bootstrap_caroussel



    The structure of the directory


    module_header_tags_favicon  ===> note :  the directory must have the same name of your module

    -- includes
    -- ModulesInfosJson
    -- sources
    ---- images
    ------ icons
    ---- languages
    ------ english
    -------- modules
    ------ french
    -------- modules


    Step 1 Insides this directory : header_tags create a file called ht_favicon.php

    -- includes

    ----- ht_favicon.php


    insert this code


     *  @copyright 2008 - https://www.clicshopping.org
     *  @Brand : ClicShopping(Tm) at Inpi all right Reserved
     *  @Licence GPL 2 & MIT
     *  @licence MIT - Portion of osCommerce 2.4
     *  @Info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
      use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;
      use ClicShopping\OM\HTTP;
      use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
      class ht_favicon {
        public $code;
        public $group;
        public $title;
        public $description;
        public $sort_order;
        public $enabled = false;
        public function __construct() {
          $this->code = get_class($this);
          $this->group = basename(__DIR__);
          $this->title = CLICSHOPPING::getDef('module_header_tags_favicon_title');
          $this->description = CLICSHOPPING::getDef('module_header_tags_favicon_description');
          if ( defined('MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_STATUS') ) {
            $this->sort_order = MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_SORT_ORDER;
            $this->enabled = (MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_STATUS == 'True');
        public function execute() {
          $OSCOM_Template = Registry::get('Template');
          $OSCOM_Template->addBlock('<link rel="icon" type="image/' . $extansion_favicon . '" href="' . HTTP::getShopUrlDomain() . 'sources/images/icons/favicon.' . $extansion_favicon . '">', $this->group);
        public function isEnabled() {
          return $this->enabled;
        public function check() {
          return defined('MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_STATUS');
        public function install() {
          $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Registry::get('Db');
          $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('configuration', [
              'configuration_title' => 'Do you want install this module ?',
              'configuration_key' => 'MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_STATUS',
              'configuration_value' => 'True',
              'configuration_description' => 'Do you want activate this module ?',
              'configuration_group_id' => '6',
              'sort_order' => '1',
              'set_function' => 'osc_cfg_set_boolean_value(array(\'True\', \'False\'))',
              'date_added' => 'now()'
          $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('configuration', [
              'configuration_title' => 'Choose favicon extansion ?',
              'configuration_key' => 'MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_EXTENSION_FAVICON',
              'configuration_value' => 'png',
              'configuration_description' => 'Extansion allowed : png, gif ou ico : <br /><br /><strong>Note :</strong><br /><br />- The favicon must be in the  sources/image/icons directory',
              'configuration_group_id' => '6',
              'sort_order' => '1',
              'set_function' => 'osc_cfg_set_boolean_value(array(\'png\', \'gif\', \'ico\'))',
              'date_added' => 'now()'
          $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('configuration', [
              'configuration_title' => 'Display sort order',
              'configuration_key' => 'MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_SORT_ORDER',
              'configuration_value' => '75',
              'configuration_description' => 'Display sort order (lower is displayed in first)',
              'configuration_group_id' => '6',
              'sort_order' => '55',
              'set_function' => '',
              'date_added' => 'now()'
          return $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('configuration', ['configuration_value' => '1'],
                                                   ['configuration_key' => 'WEBSITE_MODULE_INSTALLED']
        public function remove() {
          return Registry::get('Db')->exec('delete from :table_configuration where configuration_key in ("' . implode('", "', $this->keys()) . '")');
        public function keys() {
          return array('MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_FAVICON_STATUS',


    Step 2 : In ModuleInfosJson directory, create module_header_tags_favicon.json



    -- module_header_tags_favicon.json


    Note : module_header_tags_favicon.json has the same namo of you root directory


    the json must have these elements


      "title":			"module_header_tags_favicon",
      "type":       "meta tag",
      "vendor":			"ClicShopping",
      "is_free":   "yes",
      "is_free":   "no",
      "website_link_to_sell" : "",
      "version":			1.0,
      "req_core_version":	3.0,
      "license":			"GPL 2",
      "tag":			    "header tag, script, meta tag, favicon",
      "install":            "includes/modules/",
      "module_directory":   "header_tags",
      "apps_name":          "",
      "type_module":        "fixe",
      "dependance":         "",
     "description":        "This module allow you to insert a favicon inside your site",
      "image":              "",
      "authors": [
          "name":		    "ClicShopping Team",
          "company":	    "",
          "email":	        "",
          "website":	    "",
          "Community":	    "http://www.clicshopping.org"

    Note on the most important json elements :


    - title must have the same name of your directory

    - type : apps or modules_directory (ex : modules_footer)
    - is_free : Yes or No (if no include your link in website_link_to_sell)

    - is_core : Yes or No

    - type module  : fixe or template

    - dependance : if you must have another module to use this module. For example a hook

    - module_directory:  Module  directory

    - apps_name : Apps Directory name




    Step 3 : Image

    In icons directory

    -- sources
    ---- images
    ------ icons


    In icons directory insert : favico.gif, favicon.ico, favicon.png


    Step 4 Languages


    ---- languages
    ------ english
    -------- modules
    ------ french
    -------- modules


    In each header_tags directory insert this file :  ht_favicon.txt and include inside

    for english :

    module_header_tags_favicon_title = Do you want use Favicon balise
    module_header_tags_favicon_description = Add favicon balise in the store


    for french :


    module_header_tags_favicon_title = Souhaitez utiliser la balise Favicon pour afficher une petite image à cotè de l'URL ?
    module_header_tags_favicon_description = Ajouter une petite image en 64x64 à coté de l'URL



    • Like 1
  6. ClicShopping includes some elements to declare your sitemap on google console. There the main element than you must include in google sitemap.


    These elements are in relation with these files includes/ClicShopping/Apps/Marketing/SEO/Sites/Shop/Pages/GoogleSitemap/Actions



    You can also include more sitemap if you want. The approach is modular



    • Thanks 1
  7. Hello,

    This tutorial help you to include a modal boostrap with an external element inside the modal without the header and the footer


    1st step : Modal boostrap

    now we suppose you want to include a modal inside a file. For example in edit.php

    Add this element : the modal boostrap where you want. (Sites/Admin/Pages/Home/template/edit.php)

      $( document ).ready(function() {
        $("#myModal").on("show.bs.modal", function(e) {
          var link = $(e.relatedTarget);
    // call pop up inside Amin/Pages
    <a href="<?php echo $CLICSHOPPING_Manager->link('PopUp'); ?>" data-remote="false" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" class="btn btn-default">Launch Modal</a>
    <!-- Default bootstrap modal example -->
    <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
      <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">
          <div class="modal-header">
            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
            <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Modal title</h4>
          <div class="modal-body">
          <div class="modal-footer">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>


    2nd step : PoPup Actions

    In Sites/Admin/Pages/Home/Actions
    Create a class called PopUp.php

      namespace ClicShopping\Apps\Communication\PageManager\Sites\Admin\Pages\Home\Actions;
      use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;
      use ClicShopping\OM\HTML;
      class PopUp extends \ClicShopping\OM\PagesActionsAbstract  {
        public function execute()
          $this->page->setUseSiteTemplate(false); // ad this function inside the files


    3 th step : Popup template

    In Sites/Admin/Pages/Home/templates
    Create a class called pop_up.php

      use ClicShopping\OM\HTML;
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-12">
        <div class="panel panel-primary">
          <div class="panel-heading">Heading</div>
          <div class="panel-body">
            Put Your stuff in here
            <?php echo HTML::inputField('example', 'toto'); ?>


    That's all !
    After you can continue your code with save, insert, update ...

  8. ClicShopping 3.X allow you to use use hooks inside your App to increase the functionalities in others App.

    To use this element you can have different choice depends with the app than you want to use


    Use the Hooks
    In hooks you have 2 choices :

    output to display an information
    call to use a function.

     $CLICSHOPPING_Hooks->ouput('Orders','ContentTracking', null 'display);

    To use the hook with call you can have different choices depending of the Hooks : The best is to look this directory inside the original hook where you want to include anew functionalities :


    At end, don't forget to insert in the


    the new hook

    Display a Hooks
    About to display a hooks inside the page you can you something like that
    <div id="ContentTabQuantityDiscount"> in the original files you want to modify

    inside the hooks you can use this element to display the information. it could a new tab or inside a tab a content.

    For a Tab

    $dejardins_button = HTML::button('button_name');
    $content = '<div> Desjardi</div>;
            $output = <<<EOD
    <div class="tab-pane" id="section_CMCICApp_content">
      <div class="mainTitle"></div>
      <div class="adminformTitle">
      <div class="separator"></div>
    $('#section_CMCICApp_content').appendTo('#orderTabs .tab-content');
    $('#orderTabs .nav-tabs').append('    <li class="nav-item"><a data-target="#section_CMCICApp_content" role="tab" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link">{$tab_title}</a></li>');

    For a content

     you can use append or prepend

    $content = '<div>mycontent</div>';
        $output = <<<EOD
    <!-- ######################## -->
    <!--  Start SpecialsApp      -->
    <!-- ######################## -->
    <!-- ######################## -->
    <!--  End SpecialsApp      -->
    <!-- ######################## -->

    For more informations, see the Hooks documentation

    • Like 1
  9. The default template doesn't contain all informations that you can display in the template.
    If you need more informations, you must create a new template and use this syntax.
    Of course, if you want more options to display or not, you can create a new module and insert new option than you can manage in the back office.

    There the main information you can use.

    	$products_name : Display the product name
    	$products_stock : Display the product stock (image or text)
    	$products_short_description : Display a short product description
    	$products_flash_discount : Display the flash discount about a product
    	$min_order_quantity_products_display : Display the min order than you accept for one order
    	$product_price :  display the product price
    	$submit_button_view : display a message in function the customers group
    	$submit_button : add button to take an order
    	$products_quantity_unit : display the quantity of the unit to take an order
    	$products_weight : display the product weight
    	$button_small_view_details : Display the button to go in the product description
    	$products_image : display the product image
    	$ticker : display the ticker
    	$products_model : display the product model
    	$products_manufacturers :  display the product manufacturer/ brand
    	$products_date_available : display the product availabity
    	$products_only_shop : display if the product is only available on the shop
    	$products_only_web : display if the product is only available on the web
    	$products_packaging : display the product packaging
    	$products_shipping_delay : display the shipping delay
    	$products_tag :  display the product tag
    	$products_volume : display the product volume
        $avg_reviews : display reviews Average with star
        $jsonLtd : display product Json Meta data
  10. Hooks ClicShopping\OM\Hooks



    Hooks allow action callouts to be thrown during an event to execute additional functionality. Hooks are not modules in the traditional sense of being able to be installed and configured; they are simply modular functions waiting to be executed on demand with no configuration or administration whatsoever.

    For security reasons, hooks must be defined in their Apps metadata file otherwise they will not be made available for the framework to use.

    Hooks are initialized by creating an instance of ClicShopping\OM\Hooks and specifying the Site to call the hook action from. If no Site is passed, the Site that initialized the framework is used as default.

    use ClicShopping\OM\Hooks;
    $CLICSHOPPING_Hooks = new Hooks();

    Hooks() is automatically initialized on each page request and is available in the Registry as Hooks.

    Action Callout

    Throwing out an action callout is performed by specifying the group the action belongs to, the actual action name, and optionally a specific function to execute. There are two types of callouts that can be peformed:

    Type    Description
    call()    Executes the hooks and can return an array of results depending on the action.
    output()    Executes the hooks and returns the output as a string.
    // no output expected
    $CLICSHOPPING_Hooks->call('Account', 'Logout');


    Hooks::call($group, $hook, $parameters, $action)
    Parameter    Value
    $group    The group the action call belongs to.
    $hook    The name of the action to call.
    $parameters    Any parameters to pass to the hooks.
    $action    The name of the hook function to execute. Default: execute
    // concatenated string output of all hooks executed
    echo $CLICSHOPPING_Hooks->output('Orders', 'Page', null, 'display')


    Hooks::output($group, $hook, $parameters, $action)

    The output() method shares the same function parameters as the call() class method.

    A list of hook action callouts is available on the List of Hook Callouts page.

    Runtime Watches

    Runtime watches can be defined that execute when the hook is called. This differs from hooks defined in App metadata files as they are defined in-line and execute either an existing function or are defined with an anonymous function to execute:

    use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;
    $CLICSHOPPING_Hooks = Registry::get('Hooks');
    $CLICSHOPPING_Hooks->watch('Session', 'Recreated', 'execute', function($parameters) {


  11. Registry ClicShopping\OM\Registry


    The registry is an object storage container strictly used to store object instances and access them by reference. It does not allow registered objects to be overwritten unless manually specified to do so.

    Adding to the Registry

    Objects can be added to the registry using Registry::set().

    use ClicShopping\OM\Db;
    use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;
    $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Db::initialize();
    Registry::set('Db', $CLICSHOPPING_Db);


    Registry::set($key, $value, $force)
    Parameter    Value
    $key           The name of the object to reference in the registry.
    $value           The object to store in the registry.
    $force            If this is enabled, overwrite an existing object with a new value. Default: false

    Accessing the Registry

    An object can be accessed in the registry using Registry::get().

    use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;
    $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Registry::get('Db');


    Parameter    Value
    $key    The name of the object to access in the registry.

    Checking the Registry

    An existing object can be checked for in the registry using Registry::exists().

    use ClicShopping\OM\Db;
    use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;
    if (Registry::exists('Db')) {
        $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Registry::get('Db');
    } else {
        $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Db::initialize();
        Registry::set('Db', $CLICSHOPPING_Db);


    Parameter    Value
    $key            The name of the object to check in the registry for.


  12. Database ClicShopping\OM\Db

    The Db class manages the connection to the database server and executes sql queries. It extends the native PHP PDO class with custom functionality optimized to the framework.

    The class executes sql queries safely and securely by binding parameter values to the query via placeholders rather then having the values being injected into the sql query itself.

    Db::initialize() opens a new connection to the database server. All parameters of the function are optional where the installation configuration values are used as default values.

    use ClicShopping\OM\Db;
    $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Db::initialize();


    Db::initialize($server, $username, $password, $database, $port, array $driver_options)
    Parameter     Value
    $server                     The address of the database server. Default: db_server
    $username             The username to connect to the database server with. Default: db_server_username
    $password             The password of the user account. Default: db_server_password
    $database             The name of the database. Default: db_database
    $port                     The port number of the database server. Default: null
    $driver_options     Additional driver options to use for the database connection. Defaults:

    A database connection is created on each page request and is available in the Registry as Db.

    Prepared Statements

    Queries are performed with Db::prepare() which securely binds values to the query using placeholders.

    $seach = 'chocolate';
    $category_id = 1;
    $price = '4.99';
    $Qproducts = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select title from :table_products where description like :description and category_id = :category_id and status = :status and price < :price order by title');
    $Qproducts->bindValue(':description', '%' . $chocolate . '%');
    $Qproducts->bindInt(':category_id', $category_id);
    $Qproducts->bindBool(':status', true);
    $Qproducts->bindDecimal(':price', $price);
    while ($Qproducts->fetch()) {
        echo $Qproducts->value('title');

    Binding Parameters

    Parameters can be binded to the query using the following functions:

    Value Type     Function
    String             bindValue
    Integer             bindInt
    Boolean             bindBool
    Decimal             bindDecimal
    Null                     bindNull
    Table names prefixed with [b]:table_[/b] are binded and prefixed automatically with db_table_prefix.
    [b]Single Function Calls[/b]
    [b]Select Queries[/b]
    Simple select queries that do not need parameters to be binded can be executed with Db::query(). This functions returns a normal result set.
    $Qstates = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->query('select id, title from :table_states where country_id = 1 order by title');
    while ($Qstates->fetch()) {
        echo $Qstates->value('title');

    Update/Delete Queries

    Simple update/delete queries that do not need parameters to be binded can be executed with Db::exec(). This functions returns the number of rows affected.

    $result = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->exec('delete from :table_states where country_id = 1');
    echo 'Affected rows: ' . $result;
    Results can be returned as a single result set, a multiple result set, and as an array containing all rows or columns.
    [b]Single Result Set[/b]
    Returning a single result set is performed as:
    $Qstate = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select title from :table_states where id = :id');
    $Qstate->bindInt(':id', 1);
    if ($Qstate->fetch() !== false) {
        echo 'State: ' . $Qstate->value('title');

    Multiple Result Set

    Returning a multiple result set is performed as:

    $Qstates = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select id, title from :table_states where country_id = :country_id');
    $Qstates->bindInt(':country_id', 1);
    while ($Qstates->fetch()) {
        echo 'State: ' . $Qstates->value('title');

    Array Result Set

    An array can be retrieved containing either all rows of the result set or all columns of the current row:


    $Qstates = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select id, title from :table_states where country_id = :country_id');
    $Qstates->bindInt(':country_id', 1);
    $states_all = $Qstates->fetchAll();
    $current_state = $Qstates->toArray();


    Result Exists

    Checking to see if a result exists is performed as:


    $Qstates = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select id, title from :table_states where country_id = :country_id');
    $Qstates->bindInt(':country_id', 1);
    if ($Qstates->fetch() !== false) {
        echo 'States:';
        do {
            echo $Qstates->value('title');
        } while ($Qstates->fetch());
    } else {
        echo 'No states exist.';


    Please note that the following will not work:


    $Qstates = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select id, title from :table_states where country_id = :country_id');
    $Qstates->bindInt(':country_id', 1);
    if ($Qstates->fetch() !== false) {
        echo 'States:';
        while ($Qstates->fetch()) {
            echo $Qstates->value('title');


    as calling fetch() in the if statement to check if a row exists and looping through the results again in the while statement will skip the first row of the result set due to the first call to fetch(). The do { .. } while ( .. ) method shown above is the correct way.

    Type Hinting

    Columns can be returned as a specific variable type using the following functions:

    Value Type             Function
    String                     value
    HTML Safe String     valueProtected
    Integer                     valueInt
    Decimal                     valueDecimal



    $Qproducts = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select id, title, code, price from :table_products where description like :description order by title');
    $Qproducts->bindValue(':description', '%chocolate%');
    if ($Qproducts->fetch() !== false) {
        do {
            echo $Qproducts->valueInt('id') . ': ' . $Qproducts->valueProtected('title') . ' (' . $Qproducts->value('code') . ') = ' .
        } while ($Qproducts->fetch());
    [b]Affected Rows[/b]
    The number of rows affected by an insert, update, or delete query can be returned as:
    $Qupdate = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('update :table_states set title = :title where id = :id');
    $Qupdate->bindValue(':title', 'Beverly Hills');
    $Qupdate->bindInt(':id', 1);
    echo 'Affected rows: ' . $Qupdate->rowCount();


    Please do not use rowCount() for select queries as this is not supported by PDO.

    Total Rows

    Retrieving the total rows of a query can be performed as:


    $Qtotal = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id from :table_orders where status = :status');
    $Qtotal->bindBool(':status', true);
    echo 'Total rows: ' . $Qtotal->getPageSetTotalRows();


    getPageSetTotalRows() requires SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to exist in the query and automatically retrieves the total rows using select found_rows() after the query has been executed.

    It is also possible to use fetchAll() however this method uses more server resources and is not recommended:


    $Qorders = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select id from :table_orders where status = :status');
    $Qorders->bindBool(':status', true);
    echo 'Total rows: ' . count($Qtotal->fetchAll());


    Page Sets

    Returning a page set result is performed as:


    $Qorders = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS order_number, 
                                        From :table_orders 
                                        where customer_id = :customer_id 
                                        and status = :status 
                                        order by id desc 
                                        limit :page_set_offset, 
    $Qorders->bindInt(':customer_id', 1);
    $Qorders->bindBool(':status', true);
    if ($Qorders->getPageSetTotalRows() > 0) {
        echo 'Orders';
        while ($Qorders->fetch()) {
            echo 'Order #' . $Qorders->valueInt('order_number') . ': ' . $Qorders->valueDecimal('total_price');
        echo $Qorders->getPageSetLabel('Displaying <strong>{{listing_from}}</strong> to <strong>{{listing_to}}</strong> (of <strong>{{listing_total}}</strong> orders)');
        echo $Qorders->getPageSetLinks();




    setPageSet($max_results, $page_set_keyword, $placeholder_offset, $placeholder_max_results)



    Parameter                         Value
    $max_results                             The number of results to show per page.
    $page_set_keyword                     The name of the parameter holding the current page value. Default: page
    $placeholder_offset                     The name of the binding placeholder used as the limit offset in the sql query. Default: page_set_offset
    $placeholder_max_results     The name of the binding placeholder used as the limit row number in the sql query. Default: page_set_max_results


    The parameter name of the current page value is passed as the second parameter. The default value is page and the value is retrieved from $_GET['page'] if it exists.


    Caching of select query result sets improves performance by storing the result of the query in a cache file and subsequently reading the cached data until the cache expiration time is reached. As soon as the cache expiration time is reached, the database is queried again and the cached information is refreshed with the new result set.


    $Qcfg = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select key, value from :configuration');
    while ($Qcfg->fetch()) {
        echo $Qcfg->value('key') . ': ' . $Qcfg->value('value');




    setCache($key, $expire, $cache_empty_results)



    Parameter                           Value
    $key                              The name of the cache block to retrieve or save.
    $expire                              The time in minutes the cached data should be saved for. A value of 0 keeps the cached data indefinitly until it has been manually cleared. Default: 0
    $cache_empty_results     A boolean value to cache or not cache empty result sets. Default: false



    Shortcut functions wrap Db::prepare() into a simpler interface to help write code faster for simpler queries.




    Db::get() can be used to retrieve rows from a simple query.


    $Qstates = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->get('states', [
                                            	], [
                                                'country_id' => 1
                                            	], 'title'
    while ($Qstates->fetch()) {
        echo $Qstates->value('title');




    Db::get($table, $fields, array $where, $order, $limit, $cache, array $options)



    Parameter     Value
    $table     One (string) or more tables (array) to retrieve the rows from. Aliases may be used as:
    ['countries as c', 'states as s']
    Table names are automatically prefixed unless the prefix_tables option is set as false (see the $options parameter).
    $fields     One (string) or more fields (array) to retrieve. Aliases may be used as:
    ['c.countries_id as id', 'c.countries_title as title']
    $where     Array containing keys and values matching the column name to the condition:
    ['id' => 1]
    $order     One (string) or more fields (array) to sort by:
    ['title', 'c.date_added']
    $limit     An integer value to limit the number of rows to, or an array containing two integer values to limit the number of rows (second value) with an offset (first value):
    [1, 15]
    $cache     An array consisting of the parameters (in order) sent to setCache().
    $options     An array containing the following options:
    ['prefix_tables' => true]


    A more complex multi-relationship query example can be performed as:


    $Qproducts = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->get([
                                        'products p',
                                        'products_to_categories p2c'
                                    	], [
                                        'count(*) as total'
                                    	], [
                                        'p.products_id' => [
                                            'rel' => 'p2c.products_id'
                                        'p.products_status' => '1',
                                        'p2c.categories_id' => '1'
    $products_count = $Qproducts->valueInt('total');
    Db::save() can be used to insert or update data in a table.
    $result = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('states', [
                                                'title' => 'California'
                                            	], [
                                                'id' => 1
    echo 'Affected rows: ' . $result;




    Db::save($table, array $data, array $where_condition, array $options)
    Parameter     Value
    $table     The table to save the data to.
    $data     An associative key=>value array containing the data to save in the table. The array keys must match the table field names the array value should be saved in.
    $where_condition     If no condition is passed, the data is inserted into the table as a new record. If an associative $key=>$value array is passed, it is used as the where condition of the query to update the data of an existing record.
    $options     An array containing the following options:
    ['prefix_tables' => true]
    Db::delete() can be used to delete a single, multiple, or all records from a table.
    $result = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->delete('states', ['id' => 1 ]);
    echo 'Affected rows: ' . $result;



    Db::delete($table, array $where_condition, array $options)


    Parameter     Value
    $table     The table to delete the records from.
    $where_condition     If no condition is passed, all records in the table are deleted. If an associative $key=>$value array is passed, it is used as the where condition of the query to delete the matching records. The array keys must match the table field names the array value is matched against.
    $options     An array containing the following options:
    ['prefix_tables' => true]

    use Cache

    $Qcfg = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select key, value from :configuration');
    while ($Qcfg->fetch()) {
        echo $Qcfg->value('key') . ': ' . $Qcfg->value('value');

    get information from Db

    $Qstates = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->get('states', [
                                            ], [
                                               'country_id' => 1
                                            ], 'title'
    while ($Qstates->fetch()) {
        echo $Qstates->value('title');


    $Qcfg = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select key, value from :configuration');
    while ($Qcfg->fetch()) {
        echo $Qcfg->value('key') . ': ' . $Qcfg->value('value');


  13. Configuration

    The main installation configuration parameters are stored in the following locations:

    Type     Location
    Global     includes/ClicShopping/Conf/global.php
    Shop     includes/ClicShopping/Sites/Shop/site_conf.php
    Shop     includes/ClicShopping/Sites/ClicShoppingAdmin/site_conf.php

    The global configuration file and all site configuration files are automatically loaded into their own groups when the framework is initialized. The global configuration file is loaded into a 'global' group, and the site configuration files are loaded into their own Site group (eg, 'ClicShoppingAdmin', and 'Shop').

    Reading a configuration value is first attempted at the Site level, and if the configuration key does not exist, the global value is returned. A Site level configuration parameter has priority over a global level parameter if a global level configuration parameter is also defined.

    Custom Configuration Files

    It's possible to create custom configuration files that have priority over the values from the core configuration files. Custom configuration files can be stored in the following locations:

    Type     Location
    Global     includes/ClicShopping/Custom/Conf/global.php
    Per-Site     includes/ClicShopping/Custom/Sites/SITE/site_conf.php
    Configuration File Format

    The format of the configuration parameters are stored in a "ini" style format in a PHP file that is assigned to a $ini PHP variable. This style of configuration was chosen over a plain text .ini file to prevent configuration parameters being read in cases of the configuration files being publicly accessible through the web server.

    An example format for the global configuration file is:

    $ini = <<<EOD
    db_server = "localhost"
    db_server_username = "dbuser"
    db_server_password = "dbpass"
    db_database = "my_db_name"
    db_table_prefix = "clic_"
    store_sessions = "MySQL"
    time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"

    An example of a Site configuration file is:

    $ini = <<<EOD
    dir_root = "/www/html/"
    http_server = "https://demo.shop"
    http_path = "/"
    http_images_path = "images/"
    http_cookie_domain = ".clicshopping.shop"
    http_cookie_path = "/"

    External Configuration Files

    External configuration files can be loaded using the following code:

    use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
    CLICSHOPPING::loadConfigFile($path_of_file, 'ext_group');

    This would load the configuration parameters of $path_of_file to the 'ext_group' configuration group.

    It is important that the ini format is stored as a string to the $ini PHP variable otherwise the configuration parameters can not be parsed.

    Retrieving Configuration Parameters

    Configuration parameters can be retrieved using CLICSHOPPING::getConfig():

    use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
    $value = CLICSHOPPING::getConfig('cfg_name');

    In this example, the cfg_name configuration parameter from the current Site group is returned. If the current Site group does not contain the configuration parameter, the global group value is returned.

    It's possible to define which group the configuration parameter should be loaded from by defining the group name:

    use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
    $value = CLICSHOPPING::getConfig('cfg_name', 'ext_group');

    This would load the cfg_name configuration parameter from the ext_group group.

    The following can be used to first see if a configuration parameter exists:

    use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
    if (CLICSHOPPING::configExists('cfg_name')) {

    This will check if cfg_name exists in the current Site group or the global group.

    Checking to see if a configuration parameter exists in a specific group is performed as follows:

    use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
    if (CLICSHOPPING::configExists('cfg_name', 'ext_group')) {

    Please note that if the configuration parameter does not exist in the specified group, a check is also performed in the global group.

    Setting Configuration Parameters

    Runtime configuration parameters can be set as follows:

    use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
    $value = true;
    CLICSHOPPING::setConfig('is_true', $value, 'ext_group');

    If no group is specified in the third parameter, the configuration parameter would be set in the global group.

    This function does not save the configuration parameter to the configuration file - it only sets a runtime configuration parameter value.


  14. ClicShopping\OM is a framework utilizing new features in PHP to improve the performance, security, and modularity of the codebase. Taking advantage of namespaces and autoloading, it is now even easier to add new features and extend existing features without the need to edit core source code files.

    The base framework is located in the includes/ClicShopping directory:

    Framework             Namespace              Location
    Core                  ClicShopping\OM            includes/ClicShopping/OM
    Sites                 ClicShopping\Sites         includes/ClicShopping/Sites
    Apps                  ClicShopping\Apps          includes/ClicShopping/Apps
    Custom                ClicShopping\Custom        includes/ClicShopping/Custom


    The framework is built utilizing the PSR-4 standard for autoloading classes from matching namespaces and file paths. Classes are automatically loaded on demand and don't need to be included/required manually.

    The base namespace the autoloader watches for is ClicShopping\ and loads the class files located in the includes/ClicShopping/ directory.


    Class    File Location

    ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING        includes/ClicShopping/OM/CLICSHOPPING.php
    ClicShopping\OM\Db                  includes/ClicShopping/OM/Db.php
    ClicShopping\OM\Registry            includes/ClicShopping/OM/Registry.php
    ClicShopping\Sites\Shop\Shop        includes/ClicShopping/Sites/Shop/Shop.php
    ClicShopping\Apps\VENDOR\APP\APP    includes/ClicShopping/Apps/VENDOR/APP/APP.php

    Classes in the framework must declare their namespace as the first PHP code in the file.


        namespace CLICSHOPPING\OM;
        class NewClass {

    The full namespace to the above example would be:


    and the location of the file would be:


    For another class to be able to load ClicShopping\OM\NewClass automatically, it needs to be declared with PHP's use keyword after the namespace of the class and before any other PHP code.


        namespace ClicShopping\OM;
        use ClicShopping\OM\NewClass;
        class AnotherNewClass {
           public function __construct() {
             $NewClass = new NewClass();

    The framework autoloader (ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING::autoload()) is registered as an autoloader in includes/application_top.php and is automatically initialized in all main PHP files that include the application_top.php file.
    Template files do not need to have a namespace set, but still need to reference framework classes that it uses:


        use ClicShopping\OM\HTML;
        echo HTML::outputProtected('Hello World!');

    More information about namespaces can be found at the PHP Namespace documentation page.



    Sites are registered in the framework to initialize and apply environment parameters specific to that site.
    The available sites in the core are:

    Site                    Controller
    Shop (default)          ClicShopping\Sites\Shop\Shop
    Admin                   ClicShopping\Sites\ClicShoppingAdmin\Admin

    Sites are registered and retrieved as follows:

        use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
        $site = CLICSHOPPING::getSite();

    Custom Directory

    To customize a core source file, copy it to this directory matching the directory structure of the original file.

    For example,

    - to make custom changes to ClicShopping/OM/Session/File.php

    - copy the complete file to ClicShopping/Custom/Session/File.php and perform your changes to this new file.


    Although the custom class is copied to a Custom directory, it must retain the original Core namespace. Due to this, copied classes cannot extend the original class in the Core namespace.


    ClicShopping\Custom\Conf                          Configuration setting
    ClicShopping\Custom\Sites\Shop (default)          Shop classes
    ClicShopping\Custom\OM                            OM classes
    ClicShopping\Custom\Schema                        Database file installation 



    Apps are self-contained packages that add new or extend existing features through modules and hooks. Apps reside in their own directory and do not need to edit core source code files.
    Apps are located in the following directory:

    Namespace                                      Location
    ClicShopping\Apps\VENDOR\APP    includes/ClicShopping/Apps/VENDOR/APP

    Apps also have a public directory for public accessible files such as stylesheets, javascript, and images, located at:


    More information is available in the Apps chapter.



    Services are portions of the online store that do not directly relate to the customer purchasing a product, but can be helpful in setting up the


    Services are available in Shop and ClicShoppingAdmin. it can use everywhere inside the site.



    Service for the mail


      namespace ClicShopping\Service\Shop;
      use ClicShopping\OM\Registry;
      use ClicShopping\OM\Mail as MailClass;
      class Mail implements \ClicShopping\OM\ServiceInterface {
        public static function start() {
          if (is_file(CLICSHOPPING_BASE_DIR . 'OM/Mail.php')) {
            Registry::set('Mail', new MailClass());
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;
        public static function stop() {
          return true;

    How to call inside a file :

    $CLICSHOPPING_Mail = Registry::get('Mail');


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