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  1. ccording to a research by Accenture, AI could potentially boost profitability rates by an average of 38% across 16 industries by 2035. AI will particularly benefit the retail sector because of its immediate impact on two fundamental areas that have a serious impact in retail ecommerce; creating a very personalised shopping experience and making smart business decisions. Artificial intelligence in ecommerce is also helping ecommerce platforms to cater the needs and interest of the users. 1. AI-Assisted Product Recommendations Retailers are able to use Big Data (the collection and compilation of data from different channels, previous transactions and other activities) to determine the trends in the shopping habits. This analysis could be used for personalized product recommendation. 2. Advanced Semantic-Based Search When we talk about personalization in the context of ecommerce and customer support, right now there is nothing better than intelligent customer engagement at every point of contact. One of the most important aspects of personalization is the ‘search result’. With advanced semantic-based site search, customers are able to easily navigate the store and find the relevant products without wading through a lot of unnecessary results 3. Chatbots Chatbots might just be the ultimate solution for the customer support woes. The good news is that modern chatbots are able to interact with customer databases and extract details of a customer and respond in the most appropriate and personalized way in real-time. Chatbot provides a comfortable customer experience that keeps visitors from leaving the website without making a purchase. 4. Virtual Assistants Other application of artificial intelligence in ecommerce is through virtual assistants. Virtual Assistants contribute a lot in creating an efficient sales process. These assistants communicate with customers to understand their preferences and provide them with an intuitive shopping experience. 5. Efficient Company-Wide Decision Making Pricing and Inventory Management Pricing products is no more a guess work. AI can use complex learning algorithms that assess market dynamics and all the other relevant factors of market competition. Optimal pricing of the merchandise helps a business stay relevant and ultimately succeed in a competitive environment. Business Analysis Putting all the data to use, you can also determine the kinds of products and business actions that have decreased efficiency, increased conversions, and if anything needs readjustments. These comparisons pertain to market share, pricing patterns and overall progress of a business. 6. Cybersecurity Enhancement Ecommerce websites have a ton of customer data that will be vulnerable if there aren’t any proper cybersecurity measures in place. Detection of New Threats Unlike traditional software, AI software tend to get smarter with time as new types of malware and threats emerge. Therefore, they will be able to quickly detect malware or ransomware attacks on your website before they’re able to cause any serious problems. Blocking Out Bots Bots form a large amount of the internet traffic today, and they can prove to be dangerous. Bots can steal credentials, create fake accounts and cause data fraud. 7. Sales Forecasting Sales forecasting and inventory management has become an absolute necessity for every business. To avoid any unforeseen shortages or stock run-outs, ecommerce businesses can now use artificial intelligence for sales forecasting. Software like Mintigo make use of AI to predict future sales based on consumer patterns and help decision-makers predict the results of their marketing efforts. 8. Fighting Fake Reviews Believe it or not, online reviews can make or break your brand. One fake review from your competitor or a bot can turn things around for your brand
    1 point
  2. We have started the next version of ClicShopping and some minor release has been pushed. What do we find inside this new version essentially ? Php8.2 compatibility and optimized Studio editor to edit the template and the css Cronjob manager with some tasks included API allowing to connect ClicShopping with some other tools as crm, erp across json approach .... A new marketplace Librairies will updated Double authentification The new boostrap version and some other surprises
    1 point
  3. What is a cronjob ? A cronjob is a service that allows a user to automatically execute a script at a specific time. For example, you can set a particular PHP script to be automatically executed everyday at midnight. How to find the cronjob command ? Go to your website admin / tools / Cronjob To run all the cron just add in your Cpanel this line : wget http://mywebsite.com/index.php?cronjob&runall --read-timeout=5400 Setup in cPanel : Set up cron jobs through cPanel using this procedure: Log on to your cPanel Interface. Go to 'Advanced' section. Click on "Cron Jobs". Select the specific time from the lists provided. You should enter the command to run in the "Command" field. You should make sure to enter the proper command and the full path to the file.
    1 point
  4. ClicShopping has now a first implementation about api rest. For more information about how to use it, we recommend you to read our wiki on github. If you do not know what is an API REST, we invite you to read this website. https://restfulapi.net/
    1 point
  5. Time-based one-time password (TOTP) is a computer algorithm that generates a one-time password (OTP) that uses the current time as a source of uniqueness. As an extension of the HMAC-based one-time password algorithm (HOTP), it has been adopted as Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard RFC 6238.[1] TOTP is the cornerstone of Initiative for Open Authentication (OATH), and is used in a number of two-factor authentication (2FA) systems. A Time-Based One-Time Password or TOTP is a passcode valid for 30 to 90 seconds that has been generated using the value of the Shared Secret and system time. How it works inside CliShopping, You have two options you can activate, one for the administration protection and one on Catalog login. The approach is the same for the both. You insert your email and your are redirected on Topt page QR code. You have just to scan the code with your phone. Aministration Login : Protection 1 Connexion : You must enter you login and password. If it's does not work you must restart. It's security normal process Protection 2 Ip identification : You Ip is registred everytime you want to try to log inside the administration. After 5 times (you can define), you account is blocked and you must wait to try another time. You can also receive an email to know if someone try to connect on you admin Protection 3 Double authentification by TOTP: (option) This is an option where you can include the TOTP identification. The process is quite simple. If you activate the TOTP, the first time when you tried to connect inside the admin, a TOTP password is generated and save inside your database. After a QR code appears and you must terminate your identification with the sanc of your QR code and include the number given by your phone. The process compare the TOTP number with your QR code number and allow you to connect or not inside the administration. The login This the same process as the administration. Protection 1 Connexion : You must enter you login and password. If it's does not work you must restart. It's security normal process Protection 2 Double authentification by Topt : (option) Same process as the Administration for the TOTP authentification. Conclusion : This approach is not a perfect process security but allow you to have something best with a low interference with the action client. It's in coformity with the regulation recommandtion proposed in Europe. You can activate this process only for administration or for the catalog. It's independent process. For example, Amazon is more restritive about the double identification because you must receive a code on your smartphone. The problem with this approach if you tried to connect with another computer and you do not have your phone, you can not. In other part, with the TOTP process implemented inside the ClicShopping, you can use on every computer. To increase the application security and data storage, you always have a compromise to choose and there is always a repercution on your client. For moment, it can be transparent, another moment, it must do an action. Also you can increase again the security to include and antispam App and create different kind to security approach inside different ClicShopping forms. The point aborded here is only about the identification.
    1 point
  6. Email is part of communication, below different examples how to set email inside ClicShopping Example 1 : o2switch.net User name : myemail@domain.com - Password : email password - Server : mail.test.domain.com - remove mail. and write only test.domain.com - SMTP Port: 26 - SMTP authentication : true - SMTP secured protocol : ssl - Emails activation : true Example 2 : gmail.com - User name : myemail@gmail.com - Password : Utilisez le mot de passe du compte de messagerie. - Server smtp : smtp.gmail.com - remove smtp. and write only gmail.com - SMTP Port: 25 ou 465 - SMTP authentication : true - SMTP secured protocol : ssl or Tls - Emails activation : true
    1 point
  7. When Google or other search engines come to your site to read and store the content in its search index, it will look for a special file called robots.txt. This file is a set of instructions to tell search engines where they can look to crawl content and where they are not allowed to crawl content. We can use these rules to ensure that search engines don't waste their time looking at links that do not have valuable content and avoid links that produce faceted content. Why is this important? Search engines need to look at and store as many pages that exist on the internet as possible. There are currently an estimated more 4.5 billion web pages active today. That's a lot of work for Google. It cannot look and store every single page, so it needs to decide what to keep and how long it will spend on your site indexing pages. This is called a crawl budget. How many pages a day Google will index depends on many factors, including how fresh the site is, how much content you have and how popular your site is. Some websites will have Google index as few as 30 links a day. We want every link to count and not waste Google's time. What does the suggested Robots.txt file do? ClicShopping optimised rules exclude site areas with no unique content but instead redirect links to existing topics. Also excluded are areas such as the privacy policy, cookie policy, log in and register pages and so on. Submit buttons and filters are also excluded to prevent faceted pages. Finally, user profiles are excluded as these offer little valuable content for Google but contain around 150 redirect links. Given that Google has more seconds on your site, these links that exist elsewhere eat up your crawl budget quickly. What is the suggested Robots.txt file? Here is the content of the suggested Robots.txt file. If your ClicSHoppingis inside a directory, you will need to apply it to the root of your site manually. So, for example, if your community was at /home/site/public_html/myDirectory/ - you would need to create this robots.txt file and add it to /home/site/public_html. It's simple just edit robot.txt and change inside the information example of robot.txt Note : domain.ltd must be changed by your domain. # Rules for ClicSopping (https://www.clicshopping.org) User-Agent: * # Block pages with no unique content Disallow: /Account/LogIn/ Disallow: /Account/CreatePro Disallow: /Account/Create Disallow: /Account/PasswordForgotten Disallow: /Search/AdvancedSearch/ Disallow: /Search/Q/ # Block faceted pages and 301 redirect pages Disallow: /*?page= Disallow: /*?sort= # Sitemap URL Sitemap: https://domain.tld/index.php?Sitemap&GoogleSitemapIndex
    1 point
  8. Quick video about the process installation of ClicShopping :
    1 point
  9. Hello, I am looking something allowing to check the number of character inside a textarea without jquery. There are some solution, but I like the code below because he is very short. It's for some people want to do create a form as contact, feedback, reviews, comment ... It can be useful If the number of character is not reach, a pop up appear on the screen. <form action="mango.php" method="post" id="form12" onsubmit="var text = document.getElementById('checkField').value; if(text.length < 80) { alert('put more info!'); return false; } return true;"> <textarea rows="10" cols="80" maxlength="200" required id="checkField" > </textarea> </form>
    1 point
  10. Websites are by nature high-risk elements of the information system. Security is of great importance, and this for several reasons. The most known threats on websites are disfigurements and denial of service. Disfigurement is an attack in which an attacker modifies the site to replace the legitimate content with content they choose, for example relaying a political message to denigrate the site owner or simply to assert his attack as evidence expertise. A denial of service for its object to make the site unavailable to its attack legitimate users. In both cases, the impact on the site owner is obviously a poor images and, in the case of a site for supporting a lucrative business, a shortfall. To reduce the most common attacks ... Here are a few recommendations that you can apply. Step 1 : Your administrators Register an Administrator: Your nickname: We recommend you to alias a complex that is not current or use your email. Password: a complex password with * / - + - () necessarily complicate a hacker who wants to enter your online store ClicShopping. Step 2 : The Security Module In the menu menu Configuration /Action recorder, please edit the different modules to change the security. For example, the default Administration module contains two types of value: - Please specify the time waiting for a connection error in the administration part: This value indicates the time that a director must wait before attempting to reconnect Note : More the time is long, more it's better. - Please specify the number of allowed login to log in as admin: This value indicates the number of attempts allowed a connection. If this value is exceeded, it will be impossible to connect. Note : More the value is small, more it's better (take a marge if you make a mistake). In addition, each attempt failed connection, you will receive an email telling you that someone has tried to log in to your administration when there is an error. In the menu Tools / Securities, server information, you will find a summary of the analysis of the principal organs of our server Inside this menu, you have more options than you can look and eventually can help you to update your configuration You can also install in your dashoarb some modules can help or remind you some action to make inside your application. Step 3 : Configuration files and access to your ClicShoppingAdmin Theoretically, if you have followed the Installation Manual, it is not useful to speak on this item. However, we recall that the rights on the file configure.php file must be read-only mode is chmod 444. - One for security reason. - Second for an update or upgrade. Please make sure that these rights are correct. The main important element are located : /ClicShopping/Sites/ClicShoppingAdmin/conf.php /ClicShopping/Sites/Shop/conf.php /ClicShopping/Sites/conf/ Step 4 : Access to your administration You can also change the directory ClicShoppingAdmin to improve the security tool. However, you must perform several operations on this - /ClicShopping/Sites/ClicShoppingAdmin/conf.php - Modify ClicShoppingAdmin directory by your new directory You can add an htaccess and htpasswd, if you want. Etape 5 : Your Store - The images directory About this directory, it is best is to let the server to manage that. But for the best use, the images directories and sub-directories must be in CHMOD 755 and files 644 modes. Generally, the default settings provided by the Apache server. However, there may be a warning at the notifying administration ClicShopping it can not save the file. In this case, we recommend you to directories and files in 777 mode . ClicShopping records for setting up the product images file chmod 644. If you create other directories, we advise you to put an empty index.html or index.php file types, you can create it directly from the images editor that is offered in ClicShopping. In addition, this directory (but others too) are protected by a .htaccess file preventing them from access these directories via your browser. Conclusion If you apply these best practices, you will improve the security of your online store. Do not forget to install the antispam App : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/files/file/112-apps-configuration-antispam/
    1 point
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