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Dropshipping: How to establish your project



Its democratization in France and in all Europe is done slowly.  but the system has been common in the United States for many years now.


Dropshipping is an option that is becoming more and more attractive as a viable business model for online stores. This distribution model is closely linked to online sales and releases the ecommerce site owner from logistical tasks. So before we get into analysing what dropshipping is and how it can help an online store, we’ll take a look at some basic facts.


This is a technique to sell products online without having them in stock. It is the supplier who takes care of their shipment.

With drop shipping, an important investment is not needed to set up your own e-commerce. Here's how to proceed to ensure the success of a project based on this technique.


Dropshipping basically consists of the following: the consumer buys a product in an online store and the distributor receives the order. Once finalised, it is the drop shipping supplier itself that sends the consumer their product. You can, of course, save money on your stock management. As might be expected, this involves significant savings (which reduces your risk of loss in the event that the business does not do well). By not having to manage stock, you won’t have to invest in storage or maintenance and the supply chaine.



drop_shipping.jpgThe choice of business sector even in dropshipping ...


The success of an e-commerce without stock depends, first of the sector chosen.

You have to know that some products have trouble getting sold online. Others are already in a saturated market. Market research is therefore unavoidable.


It's not enough to know which products sell best on the Internet. It is also useful to make sure if these are not counterfeit. That's why a lot of the people who go into this business opt for unbranded items. Others do not make their choice until after reading online reviews of individuals who have had the opportunity to test these products. Finally, it is important to practice in a niche that we know well. Indeed, to better sell, inform the components of its target in the best way on its products is essential.




Get in touch with suppliers


A lot of the people who get into drop shipping are used to finding their suppliers using only Google.

However, some brands or wholesalers may not be present. Most of the time, online "suppliers" are, in fact, intermediaries.

For this reason, it is recommended to move yourself to brands or wholesalers to learn and negotiate.

This seems hard to believe, but some people do not hesitate to visit China just one afternoon to meet directly with suppliers, not having enough money to stay one or more nights.

It is also possible to get help from the marketplaces of eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, among others.


The SEO  not to neglect


To hope to attract as many visitors as possible to its dropshipping site, the site must be visible.

This implies a positioning on the front page of research on its sector of activity.

This requires working with the keywords most used by the target for its product search.

These will have to be integrated as well in the structure as in the contents of the on-line shop.

The referencing policy should include the creation of product sheets accompanied by photos from suppliers.

Copying and pasting cards directly from them will cause the site to be misplaced.

It is, therefore, necessary to create unique content in which to insert the right keywords. A professional web editor can handle this work very well.


Establish a webmarketing strategy


After these steps are completed, it is important to promote the store to record its first sales.

This implies the need to create profiles on social networks.

To reach as many people as possible, for B2C, we must focus on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Linkedin and Twitter are the best platforms for B2B. Google Adwords must also be used for the keyword-targeted campaigns for its industry.

Which makes it possible to be among the first results of searches of the Net surfers concerning its products.

It is also recommended to create a blog and regularly offer original and quality content.

All these actions will be at the source of effective efficient digital communication


What about customer service?


In the dropshipping universe, the sales manager is the owner of the site.

He will have to develop general conditions relating to returns and refunds. Few suppliers are in charge of this aspect.

To record a high retention rate, it is important to have a quality customer service, allowing, among other things, the customer to have a satisfaction guarantee.

We must also be constantly available to customers and be ready to give quick and courteous answers to their questions.

Finally, because it is the supplier who takes care of the shipments and that it can be in a far country, it is ideal to put at the disposal of the customers a system of follow-up of parcels. This creates a relationship of trust with them.


In summary, some notable benefits of drop shipping:


The biggest advantage of drop shipping is that one doesn’t have to invest a lot to commence their venture.

Physical products will go obsolete and the ones surviving would be eCommerce websites with their particular inventory.

You do not need to worry about shipping and delivery of orders as well.

It can be run from anywhere and anytime provided you have a laptop for yourself.

Customers can now select from a wider range of products.

Scaling becomes easier with the aid of dropshipping.


1 Comment

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Thank you for this article.
I want to offer my professional experience about Drop Shipping
Having a shop that took me a lot of time, I decided to go on the adventure of Drop Shipping. A priori intended to help traders in their inventory management, billing and sending, my experience has ended very badly. Delivery not sent, stock not updated, API defective, succinct support response ...
So if I can give advice, choose your provider, look at the comments and write a specification on your needs and expectations in terms of service.

See try to negotiate them.



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