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Posts posted by Drack

  1. Thank you for this update and recommendations.

    I looked the news, to include a status inside a categories, it's a good new for the shop owner to display or not a category.

    Just a question, if the category is on Off, the products inside the categories is displayed or not ?

  2. In this case, I think you can createa page inside the page manager (you will have an fix id) and inside yoru file you can call the id.
    This option allow to use the multilanguage and change when you want..


    The second option is to call the language file. But in this case you must every time to edit your language  and change the content. You can also make by the administration but if you reset  your language, your lost your content.

  3. Hello Mariana,

    Welcome, and it's exact, I am looking more deeply this element an when you push a product in archive, you can display it on the catalog without the buy button. It's smart approach because you can after develop some marketing tools like to propose a product alternative.

    The second advantage is for the seo, you don't loose an url.

    The 3rd, an archive is not displayed inside the products administration. You can focus only on your current product

    That's I see with the archive.

  4. @Josephine



    I let you the css

    .ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn5Image {
      text-align: center;
    .ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn5Title h3 {
      font-size: 0.6875rem;
      padding-top: 0.3125rem;
      height: 0.625rem;
      padding-left: 0.3125rem;
    .ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn5Title A {
      text-decoration: none;
    .ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn5TextPrice  {
      font-size: 0.75rem!important;
      padding-top: 0.625rem;


    • Thanks 2
  5. Hello,


    I have just created a new product new template.
    The approach is very basic and you can if you want to include some features inside like flash discount, qty, stock ...

    How it works, Inside directory template_html, create new files like template_boostrap_simple.php and insert this code below.

    You can copy this files in other template directory if you want to have a new design.

    I take the orginal design, but if you want to change the css parameters, It's better to create a new css.


    what do you think ?

     *  @copyright 2008 - https://www.clicshopping.org
     *  @Brand : ClicShopping(Tm) at Inpi all right Reserved
     *  @Licence GPL 2 & MIT
     *  @licence MIT - Portion of osCommerce 2.4
     *  @Info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
    use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING;
    <div class="col-md-<?php echo $bootstrap_column; ?> col-md-<?php echo $bootstrap_column; ?>">
      <div class="card-deck-wrapper" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Product">
        <div class="card-deck">
          <div class="card card-footer">
                <div class="col-md-6 float-md-left">
                  <div class="ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn6Image"> <?php echo $products_image; ?></div>
                <div class="col-md-6 float-md-right">
                  <div class="ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn6Title"><h3><a href="<?php echo $products_name_url; ?> "><?php echo $products_name; ?></a></h3></div>
                  <div class="separator"></div>
                  <div class="separator"></div>
            <div class="separator"></div>
            <div class="hr"></div>
              <ul class="list-inline">
                <div class="ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn6TextPrice" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Offer"><?php echo CLICSHOPPING::getDef('text_price') . ' ' . $product_price; ?></div>
        <div class="separator"></div>

    the result :




    • Thanks 10
  6. Hello,

    You must add a new taxe, 

    There, the differents steps to create a new taxe. After, you must update in function your needs


    1/ Configuration / Locations / Taxes / Tax Classes  ==> add a new taxes

    2/ Configuration / Locations / Taxes -> Tax Geo Zones 

    ==> Create a new Zones  and inside the new Zone insert your states if necessary

    3/ Admin / Locations / Taxes -> Tax Rates

    Just becare full to insert 1 for your new taxes rates (the new taxe without the % and for example Description Virginia Taxes rates 10%)

    The priority has an impact on the taxes calculation (see Canada foe example. It's a double taxes)


    4/ Create a product and look if the taxes is correct.


    You have some example, look France for only one taxe

    European for without taxe 

    Quebec / Canada for double taxe.


    it can be little complicate, take time and look across the element made.


    If you have question, let me know.


    • Thanks 1
  7. Hello,


    I am trying to add different tab inside my products description but the dynamic tab deasapear.  Just the last appear.

    What I make :


    $product_tab_title = '<li class="nav-item"><a href="#tabInformation '" role="tab" data-toggle="tab" class="' . $class . '">Information</a></li>';
    $product_tab_title = '<li class="nav-item"><a href="#tabRules" role="tab" data-toggle="tab" class="' . $class . '">Rules</a></li>';


  8. Hello Fredika,


    You will found all elements in this directory sources/template/Default/css/english/general

    Like you can see, there is some css files, every css is a relation with a module. In function your module, you can change like yo want.

    In your case, you must look




    for the header and the footer, the element is located :


    modules footer direcotries

    modules_boxes (for the boxes at your left and right)  : bonus !)


    If I remember well, it's not advised to change inside Default directory.

    In this case, create another directory, copy all the files of ExNewTemplate and css for Default directory.

    In administration, you can change your default emplate directory in Design/configuration design / configuration and select your new template.


    I think there is a module can do that on the fly to see your change but I don't remember the name.

    Also there is an Apps can you help you to change the css via your administration, but it's not free.


    The first time for me, it was not simple to understand, but after pratice it's very easy.


    I hope it's not too difficult for you !


    Let me know if you need more information.


    • Thanks 2
  9. Hello @FrediKa ,


    ClicShopping is new platform, the forum has just started.
    You have some documentation included inside the forum or inside the blog, do no hesitate to read, it will help you.

    To start look this.

    installation process https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/blogs/entry/4-clicshopping-installation-process/

    secure : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/blogs/entry/5-secure-clicshopping/


    Do not hesitate to ask a question, someone will help you.


    • Thanks 2
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