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Everything posted by Mara

  1. @Ronaldo, Thank you, It's in my plan but now it's little too soon. I look the post and it give me interesting information to use.
  2. Of Course @Julie, My project is to sell at international some artisanal Mexican products. In my city, I have some people interesting to sell on internet but they have not skills to do that. I decided to develop a business to resolve this problem.
  3. The install process will not create a database. It is necessary for you to make that manually and create a database via the hoster administration. After you can continue the install process.
  4. It's my second post ! What is you experience and optimization to win time when your start with ClicShopping ? I am interested by your experiences.
  5. Hello, I am new on this forum, My goal is to create a mexican web shop to sell some artitst products. looking a solution in B2B / B2C allowing me to propose some different products for different customer. I have a little knowledge in programming and I use some different product like Shopify or Woo Commerce, but after tested, I decided to look something more close that I want about the functionalities and ergonomy
  6. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This app will allow to manage the support with your customers, order or simple contact. Important Note : Copy the apps_customers_support.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github licence : GPL 2 - MIT Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Customers\CustomersSupport Activate the module
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